Bayview Northeast
The Bayview Northeast neighbourhood was a dense forest when the first settlers arrived here in the early 1800s. Many of these first settlers were Quaker families who made the long trek northward from Pennsylvania. These settlers first cleared their land and established homesteads. Some of the more industrious settlers took advantage of their location on the East Holland River watershed to build saw and grist mills.
These lands were surveyed as Concession 2 east of Yonge Street. This section of Aurora was part of the Township of Whitchurch until 1971 when the Regional Municipality of York was formed. At that time these lands were ceded to the Town of Aurora. Bayview Northeast’s transition form rural to urban began in 1996 when Aurora Town planners created the Bayview Northeast secondary plan in anticipation of the huge population growth projected for Aurora in the coming years.
In recent year Bayview Northeast has been a busy hub of building activity as new roads and infrastructure have been built to support the growing number of new homes that are filling up this neighbourhoodi. The majority of homes are clustered near Bayview Avenue on interior streets that feature row upon row of detached homes and townhomes as well as pockets of new low-rise condominiums. Further east towards Leslie Street is an environmentally designated area known as the East Aurora Wetland Complex. The recently created Aurora Wildlife Park is located within this complex. The East Aurora Wetland Complex has been designated as a Provincially Significant Wetland by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests.
The land east of Leslie Street is largely an industrial park, providing employment opportunities for residents. Highway 404 forms the eastern boundary of this neighbourhood. The main hub and shopping corridor for this neighbourhood is the intersection of Bayview Avenue and Wellingston Street East. This is where you will find the Aurora Centre, a large outdoor shopping destination that is anchored by Canadian Tire, Sobey’s, Cineplex, GoodLife Fitness and Petsmart. The Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex located at 1400 Wellington St East is one of the finest recreation facilities in Aurora providing numerous recreational opportunities for residents of all ages.
The Bayview Avenue shopping corridor is concentrated along the east side of this thoroughfare and extends from Wellington Avenue north to St. Johns Sideroad. This cluster of shopping malls and retail destinations includes from south to north: Aurora Gateway Centre, Home Depot, Aurora Centre, Borealis, Reebok Centre, Bayview North Centre, Pederson Village, LCBO and Beer Store and Loblaws Superstore.
Cineplex Odeon Aurora Cinemas located at 15460 Bayview Avenue is a multiplex cinema chain screening the latest Hollywood films.
Bayview Northeast has nice size homes on average size lots. Houses are fairly close together with fenced in yards. Built-in or attached garages are staples with every home. Architecture ranges from traditional to contemporary. House style include detached executive homes and modern townhomes. The houses all have elaborate portico entranceways, some with front porches. The steeply pitched roofs feature street facing gables often with large palladian windows below.
If you love nature and the outdoors you will love living in this neighbourhood where you can easily access Aurora Wildlife Park. This public greenspace was proposed by renowned local resident, Landscape Architect and Environmentalist, David Tomlinson. This park includes beautiful walking trails where you can quietly observe the flora, fauna and wildlife in this natural setting. Do not forget to bring your camera for some spectacular shots of a complex topography that includes: grass lands, wood lands, wetlands and two large ponds.
The Aurora Cultural Centre is located at 22 Church Street in a magnificent 1886 heritage building that was the former home of the Aurora Public School. This community arts hub includes four show galleries as well as a wide range of instructional classes for all ages, a live music series, special family events, and a summer arts camps.
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Bayview Northeast Stats
Public Transit:
Legend: Low, Medium, High
Commute Times
* All commuting times provided are approximate times only. Commute times may increase or decrease depending on where you live within the neighbourhood and the time of day i.e rush hour versus off hour commutes. Time estimates to public transit are based on walking distance or bus line connection whichever is quicker. All other commute times on the chart above are based on drive times.