Are You a Sci-Fi Fan?!
From the Producers of FAME World Tour, World Natural Sports Organization, BodyPROUD Initiative and the Unleash Your Superhero Community, and the Ridiculous Novels comes:
An Immersive Intergalactic Experience at Canada’s Space Bar.
Space Drums ~ Space Snacks ~ Space Drinks ~ Spaceship Hull ~ Space Selfies
* Feast on Sreefs and Granknuts! (Yes, the very snacks eaten by the space characters )
* Sip on a Rhinokicker… if you dare. (It’s got ‘kick’, and it’s SMOKIN’)
* Dance to space sounds (Live music and entertainment on site)
PLUS: Alien characters, now living Earth-side, bribe their Creators (the Authors) to read from Chapter 1 of book 1 of The Ridiculous.
Ranked #1 by Amazon in multiple categories:
* Science Fiction
* Comedy
* Self-Help and Psychology Humour
* Happiness
Fuelled by imagination, this night is designed to make you laugh, enjoy, think and dream!
* The Band: Trevor Cape and the Field – Inspiring musicians with evolutionary vibes.
* Entertainment: Nicole Dawn’s out-of-the-world performances.
* Dancing: That’s all you! (Wear a costume if you choose!)
So Space Out With Us.
In Person – Toronto – OffWorld Bar – 739 Queen St W – 7PM ET
Livestream – Worldwide – 7:30PM ET
Important to Note:
* Open to Beings from all known Galaxies, Dimensions, Realities and Consciousness Levels. (Even kids.)
* The event is to be broadcast universe-wide so pass it on to those who can’t attend.
* Space is limited at the bar, however, so RSVP or let us know.
Craving More Info?
The Book:
The Authors:
The Band:
The Venue:
The Purpose:
Category: Community | Local / Community
Date and Time: 11th July 2023 at 7:00 pm to 11:00 am
Venue details: Off World Bar, 639 Queen Street West, Canada’s Only Space-Themed Bar, Toronto, Ontario, M6J 1G1, Canada