Calling all ghouls and goblins: The Grand Order of Divine Sweets (The GOoDS), Toronto’s premiere geeky sweet shop is challenging all Greater Toronto Area Trick-or-Treaters to join in the prize-filled Grand Haunt, Saturday, October 28th. The Grand prize is a Chocolate Smash Skull filled with $1,000 cold hard cash. Costumes encouraged but not required.
From 11:00am to 3:00pm on Saturday, October 28th, The Grand Order of Divine Sweets Haunters will be stationed throughout downtown Toronto at 5 different locations handing out official GOoDS Trick-or-Treat tickets. Get a stamp on the ticket along with a clue to find the next Haunter’s location. Interested trick-or-treaters are encouraged to follow @thegoodsweetsto Instagram and Facebook stories the morning of October 28th for a clue to the location of the first Haunter.
Once all locations are discovered and all five unique stamps collected, trick-or-treaters should head to The Grand Order of Divine Sweets cafe located at 1162 Queen St W. Everyone with a completed ticket will receive a sweet treat and those over 18 will try their hand in the Spooky Cauldron of tricks and treats. Come dressed in costume and receive an extra draw from the Spooky Cauldron.