This thrilling drama follows the return home of Edmund Clark, the gay, alcoholic, eldest son of a prominent Toronto family, after he is cut off from the family trust. On the way home, Edmund meets Levi, a man with whom he impulsively engages in a passionate encounter before realizing Levi is also en route to Edmund’s family home. The reason: Levi is the brother of the Clark family’s estate manager.
Why are the Clarks able to support a stranger in their home while turning their back on their eldest son? PRODIGAL examines themes of queerness, privilege, marginalization, and forgiveness as these two young men attempt to return to the families they have lost—one to confront his past, and the other to start his future.
Join the incredible ensemble cast including Michael Ayres, Veronica Hortiguela, Cameron Laurie, Dan Mousseau, Nancy Palk, Rick Roberts, Hallie Seline, Meghan Swaby, Shauna Thompson, Jeff Yung at Crow’s Theatre February 21st to March 12th.