Are you looking for a choir to join? ECC is actively seeking new choristers for the coming season. Discover the rewards of singing in our wonderful community choir!  Interested singers are invited to attend an open rehearsal on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 from 7:30-9:45 pm at Humber Valley United Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd. in Etobicoke. Participants will sing with the choir during rehearsal, meet the conductor and choristers and experience what ECC has to offer. Some prior choral experience and ability to read music is highly desirable. Etobicoke Centennial Choir is a welcoming, inclusive community-based concert choir ECC provides amateur singers with a high-calibre, challenging and supportive choral music experience, facilitated by a professional music director, collaborative pianist and vocal section leads. Choristers improve their vocal skills and musical knowledge, and learn repertoire in wide variety of musical styles over a three-concert season.  ECC seeks community partnerships and donations to help support administrative and concert costs and enhance the artistic quality of its performances.