“Dead Ringer” is a feature length documentary film that focuses on Casa Loma, investigating the way the building functions as a microcosm for the larger city, in terms of Toronto’s history as a stand-in for American cities in cinema. The film and artist talk will explore questions about identity and representation and ultimately asks, “What does it mean to see your city reflected back to you, but not your experience?” The film and artist talk will premier at Casa Loma during Ontario Culture Days 2022 in a kind of site-specific cinema. Visitors would watch the film in the basement of the ‘castle’, in an area initially planned as an indoor pool. Viewers will then be given a copy of the poster, to be used as a self guided element for people to tour the Celebrity Walk exhibition.
October 15, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Oct. 15th, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
333 Bloor St W