Farewell is named after Moode Farewell, who emigrated to Oshawa following the American Revolution. Farewell and his wife Elizabeth had 9 children. By all accounts Farewell was a gregarious and industrious man who was engaged in many businesses including owning a hotel and tavern that was a popular watering hole with Loyalist soldiers during the War of 1812. The tavern would later close despite its popularity as Farewell was an advocate for temperance and the abolition of alcohol. Farewell would later operate a successful sawmill and gristmill on the banks of Harmony Creek.
Farewell is an industrial and commercial corridor located in southeast Oshawa. The Oshawa Harbour forms the southern boundary of the neighbourhood and Highway 401 forms the northern boundary. This neighbourhood makes an ideal choice for businesses as it is convenient to the highway and close to downtown Oshawa. Conant Park forms a large greenspace on the western edges of the neighbourhood. Just to the east of Farewell is the Town of Clarington.
Harmony Creek Trail is a 4 km paved multi-use recreational trail that travels along the Harmony Creek. It is surrounded by nature and connected to a network of local parks and trails including Farewell Park, Eastbourne Park, Joseph Kolodzie Oshawa Creek Bike Path and the Michael Starr Trail.