You’re Going to Hell is a premium comedy show featuring a truly eclectic mix of Toronto’s best pro comedians. No theme except funny comedy, even if it makes you feel a little bad *purple devil emoji*
Featured on this show:
Felipe Esmeral (Absolute Comedy)
Michelle Forester (Just for Laughs Montreal)
Ian Gordon (The Corner Comedy Club, Toronto Comedy Fest, JFL 42)
Along with sets from the producers David Foggia (JFL 42) and Matt Render (Joker’s Comedy Club)
Bring a date, bring the fam, bring the your friends and start the weekend off right
Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Show will start at 10PM so please arrive by 9:30. (One drink minimum in effect as per venue).
Thank you for your interest and support
General Admission: CAD 20.00
Category: Arts | Performing Arts | Comedy
Date and Time: 22nd November 2024 at 9:30 pm to 11:15 pm
Venue details: Free Times Cafe, 320 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 1S3, Canada